Vinyl release of Marcin / Graves, Jason Przybylowicz - Hard West & Hard West 2 / O.S.T. Through his spartan use of bass guitar, percussion, and spooky synths, Graves summons a more primal, earthy sound, while still layering in the acoustic and electric guitars we associate with the dark side of the West.

For Hard West 2, Jason Graves (Dead Space 1&2, Tomb Raider, Dark Pictures Anthology) gets grittier and grungier, while honoring the sound world of the original. On several of his more anxious cues, snatches of piano, guitar and violin emerge from the echoey fog to keep players on edge, while maintaining the heightened mix of fantasy-horror and Wild West aesthetics. With Hard West, Marcin Przybylowicz (Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Cyberpunk 2077) set the mood for the series, employing twanging guitar, pounding drum beats, lonely trumpets and various atmospheric elements. Sleeve artwork for Hard West is by Grzegorz Przybys, while Division48 Studio created the sleeve art for Hard West 2. LPs come in printed inners, which are housed in a spined sleeve. Disc 2 is transparent orange and boasts 9 tracks selected from the Hard West 2 soundtrack.
Hard west ost full#
Disc 1 is transparent light blue and features the full 14-track OST from 2015Æs Hard West.

All music has been remastered for vinyl and will be pressed onto heavyweight LPs. With a gun full of lead and a fistful of witchcraft, Laced Records has formed a posse with Ice Code Games and Good Shepherd Entertainment to bring you music from turn-based supernatural westerns Hard West and Hard West 2 to good olÆ wax.